About us

In late 2018, four audio engineers who were tired of mixing albums in their bedrooms made the decision to combine their humble resources and have a go at building their very own world class recording studio.

Four years, seven thousand meters of structural pine, untold layers of plaster, piles of insulation…and a few bank loans later, Lily street studios was officially open to the public!

While the studio started as a small vision, it quickly began to grow in scope. After all, why not make it a little bigger to let some more creatives use the space!

Lily street studios was now a creative complex boasting not only the recording studio of their dreams but also a large photography studio complete with a massive cornered cyclorama, 2 common areas and a whole slew of other artist studios which were promptly rented out to some of Melbourne's most exciting creatives.

Lily street is a vision from musicians and engineers for musicians and engineers. The team wanted to build somewhere clean, but not sterile. Filled with nice gear, but not pretentious. Somewhere that makes creating art easy and comfortable.

We made this place to host all of melbourne’s creatives so come in and experience Lily street first hand. Don’t forget to tell your mum!

See you in the studio.

Matt, Milo, Danny & Jordan